Monday, May 9, 2011

How to Increase your Blog Traffic.

Voila!, welcome visitor so hopefully you are interested in knowing about ways to increase your Blog traffic.
Whether you have just started blogging or you have a Blog which has a good amount of content, bringing traffic to your blog is totally different from maintaining traffic in your Blog. There are many bloggers who prefer hiring professionals in SEO techniques, (S-search, E-engine, O-Optimization), to help them increase their Blog ranking especially in Google search results.


Difference between maintaining traffic to your Blog and Bringing traffic to your Blog.

When you start a Blog, most Blogging gurus suggest you to be patient about your traffic concerns, and may be some Advice you to hire professionals in this field, Capable in Search Engine Optimization techniques, who will let you increase your Google Page Ranking, and possibly your traffic increases according to your Blog’s Niche. But even if you are ranked high in Google search results, and the visitor is not satisfied with your Website’s Content, eventually your traffic rate will fall within months, then obviously you might be hiring a professional writer as well. so bringing traffic to your Blog and maintaining it are two different aspects of Traffic to your Blog.

But what if you are an Individual not interested in investing too much to your Blog, only in economical terms, By the Way, then you have to increase the same proportion for time in place of money. So are there any ways remaining for increasing your Blog traffic without investing that deducted sum from your Pocket money, Yes there are.

Different important ways to increase your Blog traffic without investment.

1. Try to Write a Blog related to a Single Niche.

By the above statement I mean to say, your Blog must be related to a single Niche or topic, for instance you want to write for Cars and motors, you should include posts that are related to different vehicles and accessories related to them, rather than including post that relate to fashion technology, a totally different topic overall. So first things First, try to just select a Niche for your Blog on which you can write upon.

2. Decide the proper Meta Tags For your Blog.


 Blogger as well as Wordpress both have the facility to provide meta tags for each of your Posts, which they usually call labels. But the tags that I’m talking about are totally different from the labels that you give to each of your post while posting a new post. Here I’m talking about meta tags that define your Blog as a whole and are not to be given again and again during posting but only once after researching a lot from Google Insights about your Blog’s Niche. These Tags are given in your Blog’s Code.
This is how you define Meta tags for your Blog.
Step No.1
You go to Edit HTML section of your Blog, and in the header section as Shown Below in the figure fill in the Meta tags:

<meta name=’description’ content=’a small description to your Blog.’/>

<meta name=’keywords’ content=’a well defined set of labels separated by commas ’/>

Probably in most of the Themes your Meta types are empty and you only need to fill them, in Few you have to write completely the code as shown above in the Header section ,i.e, the topmost section of your Template Code as shown below:

blog traffic meta tag

Step No.2
Now just save your Template and hope for the traffic to arrive to your Blog, and that to, through search engines like Google.

3. Submit your Blog to different Search Engines and Blog Directories.

It is a must in blogging universe that you submit your Blog to different search engines including Bing, Google, Rediff Search and many others.
Click on the Link given to Submit your Blog to different search Engines for free.
Here are the Links:
If it comes to submitting to your Blog to Blog Directories, a major source for your Blog’s Traffic. Few of the Important Blog directories are given Here, you can submit in each of them.
Another important point to be noticed is to create your RSS feed through

4. Backlinks.

Backlinks are another important aspect for your ranking in search results, especially in Google Search Results, so more the number of Backlinks you have the more are the chances for your Blog to get traffic through search Engines.
But what are Backlinks, and How to Create them?.
Don’t get worried, these are nothing related to coding or any programming pest. They can be created by us ”The common Bloggers”. Backlinks are more of like making comments to other Blog, and if the Author of that Blog doesn’t removes your Comment, then you have created a Backlink, a really irritating job obviously to find for the Blog related to your Niche and commenting them, with your Link and waiting for their Approval.
A similar logic prevails in the concept of trackbacks but in that case you are giving link to a particular Blog and inturn asking them to approve and provide your Blog’s link in their Blog.

There are many spam present asking you for money for creating automatic Backlinks, but remember Blogging companies like Blogger and Wordpress, have spam blocking facilities, so be sure before throwing away your Money, and also there is no such term like triback linking, so even in that case save your self.
There are many other important aspects like regular posting, replying to the comments made to your Blog, providing free pdfs and much more, but above were the important aspects that remain untouched by many bloggers.

Happy Blogging!


Thanks AwfulLicks07, hope for further contact...

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