Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Nucleophilic substitution Bi-molecular!!!

This topic sometimes seems to be like a barrier for chemistry students, but it isn't if it is studied intelligently and with fun....
So lets enjoy this topic now in style and become a part-time expert ....

Now why waste time let's enjoy...

There are few things that I would like to share with you before you read this post.
1. I am not the real author of this post...
2. These methods of understanding organic chemistry have been developed by Ankush pathak(B-Tech)..

First of all lets know that SN2 reaction is a very basic part of organic reaction...It is very important and is frequently used in many reactions
Here "S" stands for Substitution, "N" for Nucleophilic and "2" for bi-molecular... Now you might be feeling a bit confused.. Lets make it simpler!

In SN2 reaction, the rate depends on the concentration of substrate and the reagent BOTH( hence it is called bi-molecular), Now in the example
given Cl- acts as a reagent and ethanal as substrate, Now again you might be confused that what is a reagent and what is a substrate???.....
If you are not able to see the Diagram Consider chloride ion and ethanal..And make it in a copy!!
So REAGENT and SUBSTRATE are nothing but a part of our joke!!!, Let us consider a Girl and a boy,Now I ask you a question,
Who usually gives heart first???.... Your answer then will be a boy..(Like me).. So lets join both the theories together...NOW

REAGENT is same as BOY's HEART...

And in organic language a reagent in a SN2 reaction is a compound or a molecule that provides lone pair( BOY's HEART) and is called
a nucleophile, whereas SUBSTRATE is a molecule that accepts lone pair and is called an electrophile( ORGANIC GIRL, she always accepts you, no demands)...Also PHILE means love,demand for romance, so a molecule which is a nuleophile wants to have a romance with nucleus whereas electrophile wants to have romance with electron(s)...so nucleophile is nucleus loving and electrophile is electron loving..

Here in this reaction Cl- is having a lone pair(nothing but a pair of electron, so now you know who would be calling it for romance.."THE ORGANIC GIRL Ethanal"..) here the role of organic girl is played by ETHANAL( which in turn is called for romance by Cl- , a nucleophile)....And ultimately
you know what will happen if Ethanal forgot to take the PILL.....

When both Girl and boy are ready then what's the problem let's enjoy!!

Here as shown in the Diagram Cl- Provides the lone pair and Ethanal accepts it.....The product of the reaction is nothing but simply an chloro alcohol as shown in the figure below in presence of an acid......And the reaction comes to a funny End giving birth to an alcoholic child in the Hospital..

Now if you liked this post from Ankush pathak, if you wish to have a future reference to organic topic like this subscribe to
SHASHAco. Simple Tips....

With regards!!


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