A Fraudulent way to show how much Traffic Efficient you are.

This post has been written for nutters, who actually want to show that they have more than a million visits to their Blog in a Day.

Accessing Facebook via Keyboard.

For if you get irritated moving your Fingers in your Touchpad to see notifications, compose new messages, here are few Keyboard shortcuts to make you feel at rest. :)

How to Increase your Blog Traffic.

Basics of traffic, this post includes necessary steps to follow rather than useless tricks of increasing traffic through sponsored backlinks.

Learn to Edit your Blog Template.

This post targets mainly on letting you know what is the basic behind designing a Blog template.

Earning Online.. How??

Few very usual steps followed by few web Entrepreneurs to earn them a Bug.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Change your Retro Gmail theme.

You might be still using a default Gmail theme, "The old retro BLUE". Now you have a chance to change your theme and your mood, there is a sure shot possibility that you will be using your Gmail with a greater taste and will be enjoying opening it again and again....

How to change your Gmail theme?

STEP 1. 

Open www.google.com/mail


Login to your account.


Click on labels, a drop down menu appears, then click on manage labels.


Now simply click on themes and select the best theme you like.

These were the basic steps to change your Gmail theme. For video tutorial for this lesson