A Fraudulent way to show how much Traffic Efficient you are.

This post has been written for nutters, who actually want to show that they have more than a million visits to their Blog in a Day.

Accessing Facebook via Keyboard.

For if you get irritated moving your Fingers in your Touchpad to see notifications, compose new messages, here are few Keyboard shortcuts to make you feel at rest. :)

How to Increase your Blog Traffic.

Basics of traffic, this post includes necessary steps to follow rather than useless tricks of increasing traffic through sponsored backlinks.

Learn to Edit your Blog Template.

This post targets mainly on letting you know what is the basic behind designing a Blog template.

Earning Online.. How??

Few very usual steps followed by few web Entrepreneurs to earn them a Bug.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Enhancing your blog!! ,yup you got traffic.....

Enhancing your Blog is not something related to purchasing some tools and upgrading your blog for some unique tools. With few simple tips you can directly decorate out your blog and that too free.

Many think that increasing traffic to your blog can be done by posting unique and interesting articles, but that is not enough you might have seen professional bloggers making their blog as unique as possible making themselves different from others and ultimately getting traffic to their blog. If you also wanna have some traffic to your blog read this article and please fell free to discuss anything..

As of now try out these tricks to enhance your Blog, Whenever you get time , give time to enhancement of your Blog...

TRICK . 1.

Try using themes for your Blog that have corporate look, professional look. There are many themes available for free, but few are available only when you get your hands free from few bugs!!


If you have posted an article related to a particular topic add images related to that topic to give it a fancy look, as do images do speak louder than words in terms of imagination, readers feel themselves imaginative while reading a blog which has explanations  through images.... you can create slide show for the collections of your photographs and earn some bugs ... if you have some real collection, you can seriously earn big..  for you i have got an advice if you want to create a slide show for your collection visit www.slideshare.com


Most important of all whatever i have discussed, a blog reader is mostly hoping to get some knowledge out of your blog in some way or the other, and to your reader you  should at least provide them something you know is of their use, this you can do through your posts but when it comes to storing the knowledge readers find it difficult to do so.. so what to do???

Here is an advice create your gift to readers in the pdf format which is the most simple and easily downlodable format via internet...

Now how to create a pdf file.. Converting your research or gift to readers , or any knowledge you want to provide to your readers. Simple create your whole file in MS Word, add pictures related to your  topic and then save it ...

Now you need to install any one of the  software which are completely free for all, freeware dude!!

You can do so by downloading either bullzip software from www.bullzip.com

or Go to www.bestfreewaredownload.com and download dopdf 7 for free or you can download  cutepdf software for that visit www.cutepdf.com

After downloading one of these software open your file( MS Word) and go to file menu and click print, instead of your default printer use the one you have installed as the case may be....

As i have created one for you below, this ebook has something that is funny as well as something that you can use to know something about your friends and specially your girl friend or boy friend as the case may be... have fun!!


Wow!! JOB FOR Teaching positions...

SIKKIM UNIVERSITY a central university located in peaceful natural surrounding of Sikkim in Eastern Himalayan region, is being designed in such a way so as to make it known for academic excellence and research, so here is the opportunity for you... Grab it!!!

1. Teaching positions... Sikkim University is looking Forward for Dynamic and Forward looking Scholars.. in the ranks of professors ,associate professors,and assistant professors in the following disciplines on regular basis..

  • Department of Psychology studies, school of social sciences

  • Department of Law and Legal Jurisprudence studies, school of Law and Governance

  • Department of physical studies,school of physical and chemical sciences

  • Department of Microbiology, school of life sciences

Qualifications as per UGC prescription

For more information without any Delay visit www.sikkimuniversity.in for applying for non teaching jobs as well..

With regards!!

Best of luck for teaching Journey.......

Difference Between Solubility Product And Ionic Product??

All those who want to understand the basics of Ionic Equilibrium here is topic which you usually do not find in books , but this question is frequently asked in the exams and even in the Board viva ...

So what is the Difference between Ionic product and Solubility product...

Let us consider a reaction, a reversible reaction in which silver chloride(Agcl) dissociates into chloride ion(Cl-) and silver ion(Ag+)..

AgCl <=====> (Ag+)  + ( Cl-)

Let initially at time t=0 , AgCl has concentration =a molar or a M (where M stands for molarity)... to know a bit more about molarity as of now visit www.molarity.com

Now suppose after time t=t1 seconds AgCl has dissociated to give the respective ions , now the concentration are as follows...

[AgCl]= a-x M , [Cl-]= x M , [Ag+]=x M ....

Now if we are asked to write the ionic product we simply write it down as [Cl-][Ag+]= x.x

but at the same time if the teacher asks to write solubility product you will say it is not possible right now to do so.. We can only define solubility product when the solution is Saturated...

NOW What is this Saturated solution??? .. Simple it is solution in which the rate of dissociation of salt (in the above example AgCl) is equal to the rate of association of ions (in the above example Cl- and Ag+) to form back the salt or compound... or you can say no more of salt or compound can be added to the solution , if you tried doing so you will get the same amount of salt thrown on your face by the solution through the process called precipitation..to know more about saturated solution visit www.saturatedhaina.com....

Hence , Solubility product is same as ionic product but it is defined only when the solution is saturated....

Wishing you success in advance for your exams!!!!

With regards!!

Oh! GOD SAVE Me.....

Making yourself free from habits that are Hurting you and the One's related to you ,i.e, your relatives is not at all simple . It has been said that controlling yourself for 21 days from the particular Habit you can get rid of it the Whole Life ,this statement might have proved correct for many people but seriously it can prove to be only a Myth for others.

For instance a person wants to get rid of his drinking Habit, through which he not only destroys his life but ultimately those related to him, i have suffered from all this that is why i am discussing with you, it is damn important that you leave all this to save your family and ultimately yourself... What you can do for all this, people do say going to organizations which help you leave this habit is not the only solution , you need to have guts in yourself...

What are the Basics of how to leave a bad habit or get rid of it.. There is no simple way for it but if you try you can and you will.. for all this you need give birth to  SELF RESTRAINT in yourself , which will help you of getting rid from dependence from your mind , your heart , you will then be working according to the demands of the situation of the surroundings... You might be feeling as if i am preaching you ,but no i have suffered from all this ....

Now how can you Achieve "self-restraint" here comes the practice of YOGA , the science that teaches you to remain fit from Body ,mind and soul. To know a bit about YOGA and its form please without any delay visit www.yogaind.com ...

Practicing YOGA will not only help you achieve "self-restraint" it will let you gain what you have lost in the past while having no control over your mind...

For Your Knowledge YOGA is not something that will have an effect on your worshiping a particular religion, though it was Developed in the past by Hindu saints ,but it is simply an art to achieve freedom from this commotion ,lying all over the world..Feel free to Practice it whatever your religion might be.. Ultimately it will one day teach you the truth that we are humans and are just traveling in  different paths to reach the same destination "THE GOD" itself..

If you are finding it hard because of your busy schedule then i have bundles of examples of busy and well-known people who are following it .. MADONNA , SHILPA SHETTY (The Winner of Big Brother) and many well-known Businessmen are doing the same... then how-come you can say that you don't have time for all this stuff and ultimately leaving your Unwanted Habit , it's up to you......

I would even like to recommend YOGA to The greatest at what he does in the World the leader of todays live devils Mr. Osama Bin Ladein and many others.... To make themselves , their mind silent and come out of the fuss , that their religion is insecure in this World , let others live with peace and security....

With regards!!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Some Basics of Distance -time graph!!!

Distance-Time Graph is a graph where Y-axis represents distance traveled and X-axis represents time....
What we can determine from Distance-time graph?
1. We can determine the velocity( whether it is increasing or decreasing at a given moment)...
2. We can determine the Displacement...
3.We can determine the time taken to cover a given distance and so on.........

//Let us Discuss very important part of Distance-time graph//

How to determine from a distance- time, that whether the velocity related to distance time curve is increasing or decreasing ?

For all this stuff you need to clear two of the very important concepts...

1.Tangent function is an increasing function in the interval [- 1.57,1.57] => [0,1.57], a tangent function is nothing but tan@
(where @ is nothing but the angle in degrees), this usually we all study in the basic trigonometry in our junior classes
but to know a bit more about tangent function visit www.indiantan.com......

For your simplicity let me explain it to you in a simpler way all of you ,i suppose know that tan0=0 ,tan30=(1/3)1/2
and tan45=1 ,and tan60=(3)1/2, tan90=infinite... from all this you all can easily determine that as 90>60>45>30>0
tan90>tan60>tan45>tan30>tan0.. it implies tan@ is an increasing function....

2. A concave up curve is a curve shaped like a bowl whose hole is in the upward direction and Concave down is similarly
a curve whose hole is pointing in the downward direction........

Now how to determine whether the velocity is increasing or decreasing from the given Distance-time curve....

Consider the two curve shown (a) is a concave upward curve and(b) is a concave downward curve , now consider the
angles shown in the graph(a) as you can determine from the graph that angle a < b < c therefore tana< tanb < tanc ...
now you need to know that dx/dt that is ( ratio of differential change in distance to the differential change in time)..is nothing but
the tangent drawn to the curve at that point and that in turn is nothing but the velocity at that point ,so as the tangent function is
increasing therefore velocity is increasing ,similarly in the graph(b) the tangent function is decreasing and henceforth the velocity
is decreasing.....

So one thing you need to REMEMBER BY HEART is that a concave upward curve in a distance-time graph represents the INCREASING
VELOCITY and concave downward represents the DECREASING VELOCITY....

Also from the graph(a) determine that at a point p velocity is nothing but the tangent at that point..to know more about tangent to a curve visit

With regards!!!

Wishing you success for your exams...
Subscribe for other concepts clearance....
Have fun/......

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

TEN Best Blog Topics!!!....

I have seen people confused when it comes to selecting there Blog topics ,the problem is that either they are talented in many arts and henceforth find themselves confused or there are people like me who know so little about everything that they don't know what to write but when i talked to a blog expert ( professional blogger) my confusion was somewhat clear...

Now with months of Investigation on blog topics i find ten of these topics as the topics which can really attract good traffic if well dressed and maintained .

  1. HOW TO MAKE MONEY ONLINE (this phrase is day by day getting popular in google search engine and due to recession people are trying to get some extra salary through internet and as a result blogs related to making money online are getting day by day popular)..

  2. CAREER AFTER INTERMEDIATE ( so if you are proper counselor and know about careers after intermediate and which college to join or not to join which is asked frequently by students, about various entrance exams you can start your blog in this very topic )..

  3. A BLOG ON YOUR PHOTOGRAPH COLLECTION ( if you think you posses great pictures you can expect yourself making money through net by selling your photo collections through your blog )

  4. ABOUT NEW TECHNOLOGIES BEING LAUNCHED ( if you are something like gadget loving you can write on new technologies, for instance about apple notepad it's advantages and drawbacks , these type of blogs are on whole very popular)..

  5. IF YOU CAN COOK ( if you are good in cooking different dishes might be Italian ,Indian , fast food and so on... you need not to be a professional cook for all this)..


  7. HOW TO REMOVE DARK HEADS, HOW TO REGAIN HAIRS ( that is about natural fashionable that people like us do suffer ,if you do a little investigation on these topics you can remove your dark heads as well as help others in doing so)...

  8. HOW TO MAKE A GIRL FRIEND,BOY FRIEND (you can get traffic from these type of topics in minutes if organized and designed intellectually and smartly)..

  9. ACTORS AND ACTRESS RUMORS (i would suggest add few of yours, by imaginative thinking)...

  10. ABOUT A TOPIC THAT IS UNTOUCHED FIND YOURSELF AND IS SIMULTANEOUSLY POPULAR IN INTERNET ( though i have found none try it out yourself , anything can be invented)....

With regards !!!!!

Wishing you success in advance for your blogging Career....

Invest Smartly!!!...

If you want to make Money and at the same time make it safe from market downfalls and from other insecurities , there are nowadays two simple ways where you can invest your money so that they are not lost in some way or the other, i find people feel comfortable investing in life insurances , that is good but for instance say a 40 year old person it's worth useless to invest in such insurances because investing it such late will give you no profit instead you will find yourself stuck in healthy economic problem in future....

Two simple ways available for such persons and for all who want to save monthly..are as

  • To invest for a long time say 10 to 15 years SIP stands best from all other equity investment and stocks...SIP stands for Systematic Investment Plan ,in these plans you simply have to invest very little compared to life insurances and other policies.. You simply have to invest every month and ultimately you are saving every month which could have been easily wasted if you were not forced to invest it in an SIP in different ways..which are useless and worth waste of money...

To know more about Systematic investment plan visit the following link..


  • Another day by day becoming increasingly popular FOREX (foreign exchange), though it is not as much popular as other investment plans but i have seen people making great amount of money from that or making there full living from that.

  • A great advantage of FOREX is that you do not have to do anything everything is done by the company through whom you have invested , if there is a loss the company suffers and you are safe but the other hand if there is a profit which usually is you get the profit, isn't it fun...

To know more about foreign exchange visit the following link


And to your luck now you can practice forex trading online for free visit this link www.forexuk.com

Free SMS!! service.. Hurray...

Now it is becoming day by day popular Sending free SMS ( short text messages ) to your friends and relatives via internet and that to free, there are certain advantages sending SMS through internet..

  • You need not to spend a penny for all this stuff it's free , you need to just have a free account.

  • While sending messages you can do your other work, you can even search for funny SMSs in the internet to make your friends laugh and give them a moment of joy, so what are you waiting for.

For all this funny stuff you have to open a free account in www.mycantos.com or in www.way2sms.com ..

With regards!!

enjoy flirting and making your friend laugh..

Free and Easy way to Edit your Photo!!

The most easiest way to edit your photo without any investment in purchasing softwares like adobe photoshop and many other available in the market, basic editing such as contrast and brightness , and the most important and funniest that is combining two photos together can be done by simply downloading a freeware software PhotoEditor..

Through this software you can make a pic in which you are sitting with Britteny spears,SRK ,Katrina kaif and many others so enjoy editing..

You can use these edited photos for your blogs, Frame them to decorate your room and so on....

You can download this software from www.bestfreewaredownload.com

with regards..

enjoy editing your photos...

Special Advantage of Social networking sites...

Social networking sites can prove to be a boon for you in this recession, but how??..If you are using social networking sites for friends , chatting with them that's cool but now you can find a job for yourself there ..It's true. Many business corporates and established firms are finding twitter, orkut ,facebook as one of the best way to have talented and deserving candidates for their companies.

What you have to do?

  • Just open a free account in orkut ,twitter and facebook .I would personally recommend facebook for this purpose.

  • As usual make friends and enjoy increasing your your social circle.

  • And most importantly you can put your resume in your profile ( you should set it to be viewed by all ).


Please do not give your address and contact no. in your resume as you can be easily      disturbed by irritants..

Corporate business ,contact you through these social networking sites directly...

Hello world!

Welcome to WordPress.com. This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!