A Fraudulent way to show how much Traffic Efficient you are.

This post has been written for nutters, who actually want to show that they have more than a million visits to their Blog in a Day.

Accessing Facebook via Keyboard.

For if you get irritated moving your Fingers in your Touchpad to see notifications, compose new messages, here are few Keyboard shortcuts to make you feel at rest. :)

How to Increase your Blog Traffic.

Basics of traffic, this post includes necessary steps to follow rather than useless tricks of increasing traffic through sponsored backlinks.

Learn to Edit your Blog Template.

This post targets mainly on letting you know what is the basic behind designing a Blog template.

Earning Online.. How??

Few very usual steps followed by few web Entrepreneurs to earn them a Bug.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Show your Visitors How Much Traffic Efficient you Are.

Are you in a competition, to show you have the maximum visits this month,this week  and you love saying that I have 30,000 visits to my Blog and what about yours, if you don’t want yourself to be real and follow the path of being apparent then I have a magic stick for you, but the problem is that you have to revolve it, while saying Blogging hits!,blogging hits! :), and everything will be available to you according to your choice.


Learn to edit your Blog template.

Why you should use a minimalist or a simple template?.

Why you write in your blog?, to provide knowledge to your visitors or sharing with them your research, practices, to share your views about politics, movies, gadgets and in many other niches, you should try, providing a comfortable reading environment to your reader, so possibly if you might be having a Blog with a Dark background with a bit of shiny texture, the chances are more that your reader might find it difficult to concentrate on and unfortunately search for the same topic in other websites.
What you should do.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

I am all alone!.

Enjoy a little twist in the world of web designing. The coming post will be on understanding The Code of Blogger Template., till then check out this small poem, If you like it, leave me a word or two.

How was my attempt?.